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II. Energy and Markets. Investment Incentives for Flexible Demand Options under Different Market Designs. Mirjam Ambrosius

7 Febrero, 2017
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Intervenció del V International Academic Symposium: Challenges for the Energy Sector a càrrec de Mirjam Ambrosius de la FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg amb la ponència Investment Incentives for Flexible Demand Options under Different Market Designs, el 7 de febrer a l'Auditori Antoni Caparrós del Parc Científic de Barcelona.

Intervention on the 'V International Academic Symposium: Challenges for the Energy Sector' by Mirjam Ambrosius of FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg with the paper 'Investment Incentives for Flexible Demand Options under Different Market Designs', February, 7 on Antoni Caparrós Auditorium of the Barcelona Science Park.

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