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Miya Kaneko Kobayashi Oral History Interview, August 11, 2007 [full interview]
Miya Kaneko Kobayashi was born in Crystal City, Texas. Her parents emigrated from Japan to Peru where they operated an import/export business. Their family was forced by the American and Peruvian governments to relocate to a camp in Crystal City where they lived for the remainder of World War II. After the war Kobayashi, her four siblings, and her parents lived in New Jersey for a short time eventually settling near San Diego, California. She has three children from her first marriage. After marrying Kenge Kobayashi, she moved to Eugene in 1989 and continues to work in a construction company. Kobayashi is an avid quilter.She was interviewed by Elizabeth Uhlig for the Japanese-American Association of Lane County, Oregon Oral History Collection (OH 15), Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries.
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Exposició Delícies d'Alicia

24 Febrero, 2016
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Reportatge sobre l'exposició Delícies d'Alícia allotjada al CRAI de Lletres de l'Edifici Històric de la Universitat de Barcelona.  L'exposició és part d'un seguit d'actes per celebrar el 150 aniversari de la publicació d'Alícia al país de les meravelles, de Lewis Carroll.

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