Languages of instruction in university master’s degrees
Use the list below to find out the language of instruction in each university master’s degrees at the University of Barcelona. Remember, the list is in English for your convenience but this does not mean the degrees will be taught in that language.
Information about the academic year 2024-2025 is now available.
University master’s degrees:
- Accounting and Taxation
- Actuarial and Financial Sciences
- Advanced Immunology
- Advanced Mathematics
- Advanced Medical Skills
- Advanced Microbiology
- Advanced Nursing Clinical Practice
- Advanced Public Management
- Advanced Studies in Archaeology
- Advanced Studies in Art History
- Advanced Studies in Catalan Language and Literature
- Advanced Studies in Design - Barcelona
- Advanced Studies in Spanish and Latin American Literature
- Analytic Philosophy
- Analytical Chemistry
- Ancient Cultures and Languages
- Anthropology and Ethnography
- Applied Criminology
- Applied Linguistics and Language Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts
- Applied Materials Chemistry
- Applied Research Methodology in Nursing Care
- Aquaculture
- Artificial Intelligence
- Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology
- Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry