Information for the student

The External Practices consist of a stay of 660 hours in a collaborating center (company or institution, public or private) with which the Faculty establishes an educational cooperation agreement. The tasks that students must carry out must adjust to the skills they develop in teaching the Degree in Communication and Cultural Industries, and must also be supervised by a tutor that the company or institution will assign to the student.

The student's academic tutor will be the final person responsible for the evaluation that will be carried out once the student has completed the 660 hours provided for in the training project of the curricular practices. This assessment is made up of the following elements: Report (30%) + Report from the company tutor (40%), as well as attendance and participation in tutorials (20%) and the employability day (10%)

The report on the External Internships that the student must prepare and deliver in the month of May on the day, time and date indicated.

This Report must contain:

  1. Description of the company or institution where the internship took place, its management and organization.
  2. List and explanation of the project - or projects - in which the student has collaborated, explaining the tasks he has carried out in them.
  3. Reflection on the learning outcomes achieved by the student.

Have 180 credits enrolled in the degree at the time of submitting the application.

Pre-selection procedure for the places offered at GIPE 2024-2025

  • First, the student must identify himself with his username and password to start the session on GIPE, the internship management platform of the University of Barcelona (access from
  • Then you must click on the Call for "External curricular internships for the Degree in Communication and Cultural Industries, 2024-2025", which will have pre-registration open.
  • Once you have consulted the information relating to these internships, you must click on "Pre-registration".
  • You can then see the offers of places, consult their characteristics (period, timetable, etc.) and make a pre-selection of those that interest you, up to a maximum of ten.
  • The chosen offers can be saved and the final sorting done, according to the student's preferences, on the confirmation screen of the pre-selection made.
  • At the end of the process, the student can read a "preselection confirmed" message. Once the preselection has been submitted, it cannot be modified.

  • May 2: publication of the offer of places in companies and institutions and opening of the application submission period
  • May 17: end of the application submission period
  • May 22: allocation of places (consultation in the GIPE).
  • May 23: interview period
  • June 7: deadline for acceptance of the place (through GIPE)
  • June 10: completion of the process of assigning places, once acceptance by the student and the company is confirmed.
  • September: registration. Students with a place assigned to do undergraduate curricular internships in a company or institution will have to enroll in the mandatory subject of "External Internships" in September, with ordinary enrollment.
  • September-May: student internship period.

The External Internship coordination team will prioritize the allocation of places based on the following criteria:

  • Student prioritization in the selection of requested places
  • Average grade of the student's file
  • Credits passed



First: October (first contact and supervision of the tasks included in the teaching plan).

Second: December-January (follow-up).

Third: March (follow-up).

Fourth: May (internship report).


  • Academic tutors:


Nuria Alturo

Juan Ramon Camps

Empar Chueca

Alejandra de Riquer

Maria Teresa Español

Xavier Espluga

Josefina García

Susana María Gil

Mónica Marchesi

Francesca Mestre

Laura Tinadonis

Alejandro Vallejo

Jordi Vilar
