Scripts de Praat
Scripts and batch processes are a handy way of saving time while performing repetitive operations. In this page we share some of the Praat scripts we use in our Lab.
All the scripts include instructions (either at the begining of the file or in the first form of the script).
To download the Praat script, right-click on the link to the script and select "Save link as...".
If you don't find the script you are looking for, you can write us and maybe we have one that suits you and it is not uploaded. If the script does not exist yet, we can script it for you.
Materiales para llevar a cabo audiometrías verbales
Here you can find some resources for speech therapy. Some of them are general, others have been designed as a companion of the book for the asessment of child language:
Fernández Planas, A. M.; Marro Cosialls, S.; Roseano, P.; Calvo, P.; Elvira-García, W.; Clavería Puig, M. A. (2016). Logoaudiometries infantils en català oriental central. Barcelona: Horsori. ISBN: 978-84-15212-62-1 DL: B18708-2017
Confusion matrix
Here you can find the audio and assessing handout for a complete assesment of speech in isolated sylables in Catalan.