Prof. Stefan T. Bromley (STB) is employed by ICREA (Catalan Institute of Research and Advanced Studies) and works in the department of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry at the University of Barcelona (UB). The UB acts as a host institution.
The NNM group is a part of the Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (IQTC) which brings together a multidisciplinary range of researchers with expertise in modelling chemical systems. The NNM benefits from the MDM-2017-0767 (“María de Maeztu” program for Spanish Structures of Excellence) grant awarded to the IQTC. The NNM group currently receives regional funding as a part of the Computatonal Materials Science Laboratory (2017SGR13), and national support from from the project grant: MICIUN/FEDER RTI2018-095460-B-I00.
The images on this webpage have been created by STB or adapted from open source images.