
Guidelines, which is the English-language section of the University of Barcelona’s Llibre d’estil, brings together and develops different documents, focusing on those produced by the English Section of the Language Quality Work Group of the Vives Network of Universities, in which the University of Barcelona participates. To date, these are the Interuniversity Style Guide for Writing Institutional Texts in English (Manual d’estil interuniversitari per a la redacció de textos institucionals en anglès), the Interuniversity Style Guide for Writing End-of-Degree Projects in English and the Interuniversity Style Guide for Writing Course Guides in English, which were all completed with the support of an Interlingua grant from the Government of Catalonia.

The main objectives of the English-language section of the Llibre d’estil are to improve the quality of the institutional and academic English-language documents produced at our university. Loosely modelled on existing style manuals, including the Commission Style Guide of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation and The Chicago Manual of Style, this resource is organized into different sections addressing specific and general aspects of institutional and academic language style and providing examples of model documents.

The University of Barcelona’s Language Services would like to thank all those people who participate each year to extend and improve this resource, from our colleagues in other institutions to the Language Services’ own grantholders.
Recommended citation:
«Guidelines» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 22 març 2025].
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