Use verb forms that keep characters in subject position

More important than the decision to express the verb in the active or the passive is the decision about what to place in subject position. Readers understand text more easily if writers locate their main characters in the subjects of their verbs and if these subjects are regularly repeated. This principle works both within and between sentences. The sentence below begins with Digital competence as the subject of the main clause but then repeats the concept in the subordinate clause not as the subject but as the object (it) of an active verb.

Exemple no admissibleDigital competence is essential for 21st century students, which is why universities must integrate it into their curricula.

By changing the verb in the subordinate clause to the passive, we can keep digital competence in subject position and focus readers’ attention on one character.

Exemple adequatDigital competence is essential for 21st century students, which is why it must be integrated into university curricula.

The paragraph below introduces its main character, the psychoactive brew ayahuasca, as the subject of the first sentence.

Exemple no admissibleAyahuasca is a psychoactive substance from the Amazon, usually prepared with two main ingredients: the vine Banisteriopsis caapi, and the shrub Psychotria viridis. Both ingredients are necessary for ayahuasca’s psychoactive effect. In the traditional Amazon cultural environment, more than 70 tribes use it for religious, magic and medical purposes.

The subject of the second sentence (Both ingredients) is familiar because it is the information introduced at the end of the first. However, the subject of the third sentence (more than 70 tribes) has not been mentioned before and it shifts the focus away from the main character of the paragraph, which appears as a pronoun in object position (it). By rewriting the sentence using the passive, we return the main character to subject position and improve coherence.

Exemple adequatAyahuasca is a psychoactive substance from the Amazon, usually prepared with two main ingredients: the vine Banisteriopsis caapi, and the shrub Psychotria viridis. Both ingredients are necessary for ayahuasca’s psychoactive effect. In the traditional Amazon cultural environment, it is used by more than 70 tribes for religious, magic and medical purposes.

The two examples above use the passive not because it is intrinsically superior to the active but because it helps keep the focus on a particular character by placing it in subject position.

Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics
Darrera actualització: 13-6-2022
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«Use verb forms that keep characters in subject position» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 9 març 2025].