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Theories of Memory in Cultural Studies

Wednesday, October 16, 2019, from 16h to 17h30

Aula 3.6, Edifici Josep Carner, Universitat de Barcelona (c/ Aribau 2, 3r pis - 08007 Barcelona)
Aránzazu Calderón Puerta, a member of the Gender, Identity, and Speech Group in Spain and Latin America - GENIA, of the Uniwersytet Warszawski, and a visiting researcher at ADHUC, offers the seminar "Theories of Memory in Cultural Studies." 
A. Calderón is a specialist in the representation of memory in contemporary, peninsular literature, in Latin America and in Europe. She has published several studies on Almudena Grandes, Josefina Aldecoa, José María Merino, Bernardo Atxaga, Cortázar, and Bruno Schulz. 
This seminar, co-organized by the MA in Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities (CRIC) and ADHUC, is open to the public interested. Activity in Spanish.