  • Bioethics Commission of University of Barcelona
  • CBUB Technical Office
    C/Baldiri i Reixac 2
    2nd floor, Room 230
    08028 Barcelona
  • Tel. ext 35 463 
  • cbub@ub.edu
  • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

New UB Biosafety Committee website

Monday, 1 July, 2024

On June 27th, the Biosafety Committee of the University of Barcelona (CBSUB) opened the virtual doors of its first website dedicated to biosafety. Through this platform, the university community will have access to a wide range of resources on the most relevant topics in biosafety.

The CBSUB, aware of the growing importance of this field in research and teaching, has promoted this initiative in order to provide a centralized informative and training resource on the basic aspects of biosecurity. The website also aims to be an information and work tool for the PDI and research staff that facilitates risk assessments of activities with biological agents, the writing of PNT and the notification of installations and activities with GMOs (and biological pathogens) to the relevant authority, among other aspects related to the management of biological risk.

This initiative represents a significant step in the efforts of the University of Barcelona to promote the safety, health and well-being of its community, and is aligned with the commitment to continuous improvement of CBSUB in the field of biosecurity. With the launch of this web platform, the CBSUB aims to lay the foundations for establishing safety standards in academic scientific practice throughout the University.