Most marine invertebrates have a complex life history involving stages of planktonic larval development between the egg and the adult form (Thorson 1950; Strathmann 1987, 1993). These larvae may differ from adults in size, form, habitat, mode of nutrition, and/or ability to disperse (Barnes et al. 1988; Young 2002).
El soporte de tela de los cuadros se compone mayoritariamente de celulosa. Una de las vias de degradación de la celulosa es la hidrólisis ácida, que implica que en un ambiente ácido (bajo pH), la degradación se produce a una velocidad mayor. La principal consecuencia de esta acidez es la ruptura de las cadenas del polímero de celulosa que se mide a través del grado de polimerización (DP).
The present dissertation, which can be framed in the fields of behavioural and psychiatric genetics, was aimed to study how early environmental factors such as parental negativity and childhood adversity, directly or in interaction with genetic factors account for psychopathological variation (subclinical and clinical psychiatric symptoms) in general populatiol including childhood behavioural p
El origen de la multicelularidad animal es una de las mayores transiciones evolutivas de la historia de la vida. La secuenciación, en los últimos años, de genomas de animales basales como esponjas y cnidarios ha permitido establecer la maquinaria genética común a todos los animales.
Resum:Els organismes multicel·lulars estan constituïts per diferents tipus cel·lulars ordenats d’una certa manera, formant teixits amb funcions específiques.
This PhD has pursued three different and interconnected objectives, each corresponding to one of the three parts of the PhD. In Part I, a historical reconstruction is provided in order to present the background against which some political paradoxes in the present have to be understood in relation to globalization.
Understanding how human societies adapted to past environmental and climatic variability is fundamental to face present and future climatic events, particularly in highly vulnerable arid and semi-arid regions.
En els últims 7 anys, s’ha identificat una nova categoria d’encefalitis associada a anticossos contra superfície neuronal, que cursen amb psicosis, catatonia, crisis epilèptiques, i moviments anormals. Aquests desordres són potencialment letals, però curables si es reconeixen i es tracten.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by movement impairment, or parkinsonism, for which there is still no cure. The manifest clinical signs result from neuronal loss of more than 60% in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Cognitive disorders and dementia in PD usually occur, thus leading to Parkinson disease with dementia (PDD).