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Cathedra chairs - Socials

UB Chair of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT

CETT, University of Barcelona, ​​Gaspar Espuña Foundation - CETT, Barcelona City Council

Joan Tugores
Joan Tugores i Ques



The CETT UB Chair in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy is an initiative between the CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy, the University of Barcelona, ​​the CETT Foundation and the Barcelona City Council.

This chair, pioneering in its structure and subject matter, being the first chair of tourism in the state, aims to lead and promote research and the transfer of knowledge in tourism, hospitality and gastronomy through collaboration between the public, private and academic sectors.

In this way, through its lines of work, the Chair is willing to improve tourism competitiveness and sustainability, carrying out R&D projects, training activities and actions for the dissemination and transfer of knowledge. The lines of work of the Chair are currently the following: (1) Indicators of tourism sustainability in urban destinations, (2) Tourism and Educating City, (3) Smart Tourism and (4) Barcelona, a ​​gastronomic city.



Dr. Juan Tugores i Ques

Professor of Economics at the University of Barcelona. He has been Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Barcelona and Rector of the same university.

Dr. Eugeni Osácar Marzal
Academic director

Academic Director of the UB-CETT Chair on Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy.

PhD in Social Science and Heritage Education from the University of Barcelona.

Research Director at CETT UB.

Member of the Research Group in Tourism, Accommodation and Food Service (TURHOGA), recognized as an Emerging Research Group by the AGAUR under file number 2021-SGR-00939.

Dr. Jordi Arcos-Pumarola

Researcher of the UB-CETT Chair on Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy.

PhD in Education, Society and Quality of Life from the University of Lleida.

Research Coordinator at CETT UB and Director of the Research Group on Tourism, Culture and Territory (TURCiT) at CETT-UB.

Member of the Research Group in Tourism, Accommodation and Food Service (TURHOGA), recognized as an Emerging Research Group by the AGAUR under file number 2021-SGR-00939.

Nuria Guitart Casadelrrey


Researcher of the UB-CETT Chair on Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy.

Doctoral candidate in the Geography, Territorial Planning and Environmental Management programme of the University of Barcelona.

Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism and Master’s in Innovation in Tourism Management from the CETT-UB.

Member of the Research Group in Tourism, Accommodation and Food Service (TURHOGA), recognized as an Emerging Research Group by the AGAUR under file number 2021-SGR-00939.


Dra. Emma Pla Rusca

Researcher of the UB-CETT Chair on Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy.

PhD in Information and Knowledge Society from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Member of the Research Group in Tourism, Accommodation and Food Service (TURHOGA), recognized as an Emerging Research Group by the AGAUR under file number 2021-SGR-00939.

Dra. Helena Martín Gómez

Researcher of the UB-CETT Chair on Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy.

PhD in Chemistry from the University of Barcelona.

Director of the Cuisine and Gastronomy Research Group at CETT-UB.

Member of the Research Group in Tourism, Accommodation and Food Service (TURHOGA), recognized as an Emerging Research Group by the AGAUR under file number 2021-SGR-00939.

Dr. Daniel Imbert-Bouchard Ribera

Researcher of the UB-CETT Chair on Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy.

PhD in Geography from the University of Barcelona.

Member of the Research Group in Tourism, Accommodation and Food Service (TURHOGA), recognized as an Emerging Research Group by the AGAUR under file number 2021-SGR-00939.

Dra. Elsa Soro

Researcher of the UB-CETT Chair on Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy.

PhD in Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Member of the Research Group in Tourism, Accommodation and Food Service (TURHOGA), recognized as an Emerging Research Group by the AGAUR under file number 2021-SGR-00939.

Marta Salvador Almela

Researcher of the UB-CETT Chair on Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy.

Doctoral candidate in the Education, Society and Quality of Life programme of the University of Lleida.

MA in Anthropology of Development and Social Transformation from the University of Sussex.

Member of the Research Group on Tourism, Culture and Territory (TURCiT).




Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy Campus CETT-UB

Av. Can Marcet, 36-38 08035 BARCELONA

+34 93 428 0777