Chair UB - Escuela del Pensamiento Mutualidad Abogacia Foundation on the Economics of Ageing
The objective of the Chair is to promote high-quality research in the field of populational ageing, especially in statistical, economic and actuarial analysis of phenomena related to the growing longevity of individuals.
The main objective of the Chair is to promote a series of research, dissemination and knowledge transfer activities, and organise social activities, in the area of population ageing. The focus is statistical, economic and actuarial analysis of phenomena relating to the increasing longevity of individuals (including dignity of life in old age; health and the need for care for elderly people; the analysis of the bioactuarial track of a person over their life; mobility of old people; and demographics and ageing in deserted areas, among others). Based on development in the economic, statistical and actuarial field, the Chair is clearly multidisciplinary and is centred on promoting research and knowledge transfer in the various fields associated with the study of economics promoted by the Research Group on Risk in Finance and Insurance of the UB.
Barcelona, 1962. Master’s degree in Quantitative Methods in Economics and PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona. Full professor of the Department of Econometrics at the UB. His research is focused on the area of microeconometrics, business statistics, the economy and applied statistics.
Soria, 1970. Master’s degree in Actuarial Science and PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona. She is full professor at the UB Department of Econometrics. She has been academic director of Actuarial Science Studies at the UB (2007-2016) and is currently director of the University of Barcelona MBA in Insurance and Financial Organisations. Her research is focused on longevity, pensions and quantitative risk management in life insurance.
Barcelona, 1964. Master’s degree in Mathematics and master’s degree in Mathematical Statistics from the University of Barcelona, and a master’s degree in Data Analysis from the University of Essex (United Kingdom). PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona. She is full professor in the Department of Econometrics at the UB and honorary visiting professor at City University London. Her research focuses on actuarial statistics and quantitative risk management.
Barcelona, 1969. Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona. She is associate professor in the Department of Econometrics at the UB. Her research is focused on sampling methods and population ageing.
Barcelona, 1969. Master’s degree in Actuarial Sciences and PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona, and master’s degree in Statistics from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Associate professor in the Department of Economic, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics at the UB. His research focuses on risk quantification, actuarial pricing models and assessment of bodily injuries.
Barcelona, 1971. Bachelor’s degree in Statistics, master’s degree in Marketing and PhD in Marketing from the University of Barcelona. Full professor in the Department of Econometrics at the UB. Her research is focused on the area of nonparametric statistics and quantitative risk management.
Valencia, 1980. Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and PhD in Quantitative Finance from the University of Valencia (UV). She is associate professor in the Department of Econometrics at the University of Barcelona. Her research is focused on the area of applied econometrics, portfolio management and international finance.
Barcelona, 1967. Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business and PhD in Business from the University of Barcelona. She is full professor in the Department of Business at the UB. Her research focuses on diffuse logic in management and business economics.
Barcelona, 1962. Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona, master’s degree in European Studies from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and PhD in Economics from the UB. Full professor in the Department of Economics at the UB. Her research centres on international financial markets.
Barcelona, 1981. Master’s degree and PhD in Mathematics. His research focuses on count data analysis, epidemiology, statistical modelling and modelling of misreported data.
Barcelona, 1981. Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Barcelona, PhD in Mathematics and postgraduate diploma in Quantitative Techniques for Financial Markets from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Assistant professor in the Department of Econometrics at the UB. His research is focused on computational finances and quantitative risk management.
Barcelona, 1976. Bachelor’s degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences, master’s degree in Financial and Actuarial Engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and PhD in Business Studies from the University of Barcelona. She is associate professor in the Department of Econometrics of the UB. Her research is focused on actuarial statistics on mortality and investment strategies.
Barcelona, 1977. Bachelor’s degree in Economics, master’s degree in Actuarial Science and PhD in Business Studies from the University of Barcelona, and a master’s degree in Financial and Actuarial Engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). Serra Húnter Associate professor in the Department of Econometrics at the UB. His research is focused on actuarial statistics and road safety.
Barcelona, 1962. Bachelor’s degree in Economy and Business, master’s degree in Quantitative Methods and Informatics and PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona. He is associate professor in the Department of Econometrics at the UB. His research is focused on automatic learning techniques and artificial intelligence.