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Economic Studies


The Six Minutes Walk Test PLUS System (6MWT+)

European Union
2018 / 2019 / 2020
Principal investigator Sebastian Idelsohn Zielonka (Eurecat)
Investigative team Jordi Suriñach / Rosina Moreno
Objective The aim of 6MWT+ is to monitor the evolution of a wide range of pathologies affecting mobility by means of the biomechanical functionality; being the final goal to personalize and improve treatments and, lately, quality of life. To achieve this challenging goal, a portable system will be designed and developed. The project counts with the support of the community EIT Health, who offers financial resources and infrastructures to develop the project at a European level and boosts its implementation in the market.

This project has received funding from EIT Health supported by the European Union.
Reference: Theme: Others Ambit: European