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Economic Studies


Study on the impact of the adoption of a minimum wage locally. International evidence

Metropolitan area of Barcelona
2015 / 2016
Principal investigator Jordi Suriñach / Raul Ramos
Investigative team Jordi Suriñach / Raul Ramos
Objective Analyse the feasibility and consequences, in the valid legislative frame, of a minimum wage to the metropolitan Area of Barcelona, to equate wages with the cost of the life of the AMB. Evaluate the possibilities of translation of the implantation of a minimum wage to the employees of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. Review of the academic literature, in an international level, of the places where this measure has been applied (city, metropolitan area).
Methodology Analysis of reports and international publications, basically academic, in which have been studied the effects that have derived of the implementation of the minimum wage to a local field (city, metropolitan area) and review of the places where this local minimum wage has been implanted. The analysis focuses in cities and metropolitan areas, of different geographical areas where this experience has been implemented and of which of those have scientific evidence that allow the analysis of the consequences of this implantation. Analysis of the effects on the income of the residents and workers, on different variables related with the labour market (wages, unemployment), other macro magnitudes (inflation), as well as sectors and typology of companies more affected for the measure, the legal frame, the periodification of the implantation, the territorial dimension in which the measure has been implanted, etc. Analysis of the main profits and costs associated with this implantation, analysing to what extent the evidence confirms the existence of positive effects above the negative. Grasp which would be the economic sectors and the typology of agents (employers, consumers, employees), that would be more affected for this implantation. Obtein conclusions of the generated effects, proposing the following phases that would be necessary to consider to evaluate the effects that would have its application in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.cion
Reference: Theme: Economic impact , Labor market Ambit: Local