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Economic Studies


Study on preferences and expectations of potential derbi clients

Centre of Innovation and Development-Business and Derbi
2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005
Principal investigator Jordi Suriñach
Investigative team Jordi Suriñach / Enrique López / Raül Ramos / Rosina Moreno / Esther Vayá / Vicente Royuela
Objective Preparing a report through which we obtain a maximum information about their own customer ("young“ target) (market research), about their expectations, about the possible evolution of their preferences and their future choices in terms of their mobility in two wheels vehicles.
Methodology It is based on three phases: Questionnaire design of the sample, codification of results, collection of all the necessary information to be able to realize the work. Interviews and collection of data (1000 telephone surveys). Statistical exploitation of the results and redaction of the study conclusions report.
Reference: ICC2-CT-2002-01030 Theme: Intangible assets in the regional growth, Others Ambit: European, Regional