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Economic Studies


Study on Family Holidays: Present situation and future scenarios

Catalan Agency of Turism
Principal investigator Jordi Suriñach
Investigative team Jordi Suriñach / Marién André / Javier Romaní
Objective Analysis of the concept “familiar tourism” and its transformations along the time in a wide sense. Explain, from the analysis of statistical sources, the behaviour of the different agents since a global prospect in order to see how is acting the tourist industry or the way in that it comports the demand To find solutions to the lacks of quantitative and qualitative knowledge in the field of the familiar tourism.
Methodology Describe the consept of “familiar tourism” and identify the elements that characterise it. Analize the supply. Conduct personal interviews and group dynamic. Compilation of statistical sources for the study of the familiar tourism
Reference: Theme: Sectorial analysis, Economic impact Ambit: Local