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Economic Studies


Local financing: analysis of the impact of change of property ownership on state incomes for the city council of Sant Cugat del Vallès

Ayuntamiento de Sant Cugat del Vallès
2006 / 2009
Principal investigator Manuel Artís
Investigative team Manuel Artís / Jordi Suriñach / Raül Ramos / Jordi López
Objective Quantifying the impact that a change in property ownership would have had on state incomes than during 2004-07 and successively for the City Council of Sant Cugat, before the increase of the resident population. Prevision of change in fiscal revenues due to the population change.
Methodology Analysis of the valid legislation. Collection of statistical information. Description and analysis of the data. Simulation for Sant Cugat, beginning with the associated models for each tax.
Reference: Theme: Economic impact Ambit: Local