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Economic Studies


Intangible assets and regional economic growth (IAREG)

European Commission
2008 / 2009 / 2010
Principal investigator Jordi Suriñach
Investigative team Jordi Suriñach / Manuel Artís / Enrique López-Bazo / Rosina Moreno / Raül Ramos / Esther Vayá / Vicente Royuela
Objective To analyze the role played by intangible assets (IA) in the generation of innovation, competitiveness and consequently economic growth and increases in productivity at regional level with a special emphasis on the geographical space in which such processes occur.
Methodology It is organized in eight work-packages: Knowledge accumulation processes and regional growth. Human and social capital and regional productivity. Entrepreneurship capital and and regional competitiveness. Knowledge flows and regional productivity. IA, firms location and regional competitiveness. Policy design to stimulate IA and economic growth. Dissemination. Project management.
Reference: FP7-SSH-2007-1. 216813 Theme: Intangible assets in the regional growth Ambit: European