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Economic Studies


Forecasts of recapture of the principal local taxes of Sant Cugat Del Vallès

Ayuntamiento de Sant Cugat del Vallès
Principal investigator Manuel Artís
Investigative team Manuel Artís / Jordi Suriñach / Peter Claeys / Javier Romaní
Objective The preparation of a report that analyzes the different scenarios of forecast of fiscal income of Sant Cugat's municipality of the Vallès for the next ten years. Concretely, to analyze the forecast of income derived from the tax figures: IBI, the tax of Mechanical Traction Vehicles and the IAE, associated both with the economic growth of the municipality and to the evolution of the resident population and the volume of new companies that are established in Sant Cugat's municipality.
Methodology Different simulation / prediction exercises of the potential tax revenue. The work has been done based on the information that has provided the municipality on the plans of growth (to level of resident population as of business activity and of economic general growth of the economy.). Making a historical analysis of what has happened up to this moment in Sant Cugat. Consideration of other information of generic fiscal forecasts for the local and regional economies.
Reference: Theme: Taxation-local government finance, Macroeconomic simulations and forecasts Ambit: Local