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Economic Studies


Economic impact of the reforms of “Gran Via” and “Plaça Europa Square” of l’Hospitalet de Llobregat on the metropolitan area of Barcelona

Consortium for the reform of Gran Via-Hospitalet
Principal investigator Manuel Artís
Investigative team Manuel Artís / Jordi Suriñach / Joaquim Murillo / Javier Romaní / Esther Vayá
Objective Analyzing the impact of the improvements made for the Consortium “Gran Via” in L'Hospitalet (CRGVH) on the whole Metropolitan area of Barcelona between 2005 and 2009 and its expected future impact.
Methodology Analysis and quantification of the direct, indirect and induced effects. Calculation of the GVA, the number of employees and tax income generated by the whole of activities carried out by the Consortium. Procurement of estimations from the whole of statistical information obtained (the consortium itself, the authorities involved, etc.), and the design of specific methodology. The work has quantified all the impact of the initial investment (2002-2008) and the subsequent annual effects after its reform.
Reference: Theme: Economic impact Ambit: Local