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Economic Studies


Economic and social impact study of the activities of the port and beach clubs

Catalan Sailing Federation
2021 / 2022
Principal investigator Jordi Suriñach
Investigative team Jordi Suriñach / Esther Vaya / Javier Romaní

The objective of the study is to know and quantify the economic and social impact of the activities carried out by the Port and Beach Clubs (social, sports, leisure, etc.) with respect to those carried out by the Marinas.

  1. Economic impact

a.Specify and compile the set of statistical information necessary to determine the expenditure directly and indirectly related to the proposed quantification study

b.Specify and collect the set of additional statistical information in the field work

c.Quantification of the direct and indirect impact of the variables billing, GVA and employed population.

d.Calculation of the induced impact, consisting of the return to the economy of the remuneration of employees appeared by the employees obtained in the direct and indirect effects.

e.Calculation of tax collection associated with the tax group most directly related to the activity to be measured.

f.Writing and presentation of results

  1. Social impact

a.Definition of the topics to analyze, agree with the FCV.

b.Obtaining the inventory of activities to be analyzed (by type of clubs, territories, etc.).

c.Definition of the indicators from which the analysis will be carried out.

d.Field work, with interviews and focus groups, to complement the analysis carried out by the research team on the intangible effects or those that are difficult to quantify.

e.Completion of the final report.

Reference: Theme: Economic impact Ambit: Regional