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Economic Studies


Design of a methodology for the improvement of information in the field of short-term economic activity and quality of life

Deputation of Tarragona
Principal investigator Manuel Artís
Investigative team Manuel Artís Ortuño / Jordi Suriñach Caralt / Ernest Pons / Vicente Royuela / Esther Vayá
Objective To Measure the level of welfare of the inhabitants of the municipalities of the province, that is, quality of life. The indicator is calculated at the municipal, city and county system level. Due to the importance of the economic dimension in a territory, they have also analyzed regional differences in regard to economic growth and the evolution of GDP growth rates at the level of urban systems in the province and counties.
Methodology For the indicator of quality of life: Analysis and processing of data from the 1991 Census and 2001. Find statistical information on the different variables. Construction of a Synthetic Indicator of Quality of Life (ISQV) for the municipalities of Tarragona based in 18 sub-components: Wealth Index, Index Population, Migration Index … For the indicator of economic activity: Selection of short-term partial indicators of conjuncture associated with the 3 major economic sectors: industry, construction and services. Principal components analysis to obtain the factors. Calculating the GDP growth rate of urban systems in the province. In both cases, the information is presented in tables and maps, to make it more attractive visually.
Reference: Theme: Regional and Urban Strategic indicators Ambit: Local, Regional