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Economic Studies


An analysis of the feasibility of adapting the general equilibrium model, QUEST III, to the Catalan economy, developing a specification and adaptation in the Dynare-Matlab language of the general version of this model for the Catalan economy

Department of the Vice-Presidency and Economy and Finance of the Generalitat of Catalonia
Principal investigator Raul Ramos / Jordi Suriñach
Investigative team Raul Ramos i Jordi Suriñach
Objective deepen in the aspects of implementation and impact of the Occupational services within the framework of the second level guidance developed through the program of actions of orientation and accompaniment to the insertion of the Guidance Network for The Occupation, regulated by Order EMO / 235/2014, of July 28, by which establish the bases regulators for the granting of subsidies for the conduct of orientation actions i Accompaniment to the insertion of the Employment Orientation Network, and the call is opened for the year 2015. The main objective was to describe these actions and detect the level of satisfaction of the different agents involved (Work Offices, Training Centers, and course assistants) and detect improvement proposals. "
Methodology Review the latest version of the QUEST III Model of the European Commission, to have the last reference of the model to take as a starting point for the specification of the QUEST III-CT model. Acquisition of the Matlab software to be able to implement the model in this application. Adjust the specifications of the model and build the model in the new application. Proceed to update the database. Make one or several internal presentations of the QUEST III-CT model to the members of the Department of the Vice Presidency so that they know the potentialities of the same.
Reference: Theme: Public Policy evaluation, Macroeconomic simulations and forecasts Ambit: Regional