New Perspectives on Hispanic Caribbean Studies
978-3-030-51498-3 (eBook)
What are the main contributions of Hispanic cultural products and practices today? This book is a collection of essays on new critical trends in Hispanic Caribbean thinking. It offers an update on the state of Hispanic Caribbean studies through the discussion of diverse theoretical perspectives around notions of affect, archipelagic thinking, deterritoriality, and queer experiences and subjectivities. These eccentric Caribbean and aquatic imaginaries move beyond those that are circumscribed by identity, nation, insularity, and the colonial epistemologies derived from these conceptions. Due to its cultural and historical specificities, the Hispanic Caribbean constitutes a focus of study crucial to re-thinking global dynamics today.
1. Introduction: New Theorical Dialogues and Critical Reflections on Hispanic Caribbean Studies, Magdalena López and María Teresa Vera-Rojas 1
2. Towards an Archipelagic Effect: Poetics, Politics and Sensorium in the Caribbean, Juan Carlos Quintero Herencia 13
3. Inland Caribbean: A Glance into Wayuu Space, Juan Ramón Duchesne Winter 35
4. Challenging a South Red Atlantic: A Post-Liberationist Critique of the Hispanic Caribbean, Magdalena López 47
5. Place Becoming Space: Nation and Deterritorialisation in Cuban Narrative of the Twenty-First Century, Nanne Timmer 67
6. Sea/See Fluids, Reimagined Landscapes: Looking into Lesbian Desire in Sand Dollars and Liz in September, María Teresa Vera-Rojas 85
7. Social Engagement and/against Creativity: Art Making, Collective Agency and the Politics of Urgency in the Hispanic Caribbean, Carlos Garrido Castellano 115
8. The Queer Hispanic Caribbean: Contemporary Revisions of Its Genealogies, Lina Martínez Hernández 139
9. “Holland” in the Caribbean: Voids Between the Spanish-Speaking World and the Lower Countries, Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger 165
10. The Caribbean Without a Sea: Approaches to Caribbean Immigration in Madrid, Dagmary Olívar Graterol 185