Alternative Masculinities for a changing world

In our globalized and rapidly changing world, hegemonic models of masculinity still prevail in most societies. This collection focuses on gender equitable movements worldwide with the aim to pave the way to new or 'alternative' forms of manhood. Bridging the gap between the social sciences and the humanities, Part I offers an interdisciplinary perspective from the fields of social work theory, sociology, anthropology, and literary studies while Part II delves into the complex paths that fictional characters undergo on their way to eventually becoming more egalitarian men. The essays all work from the assumption that the wide variety and psychological complexity of literary characters can prove particularly helpful for men to rethink their own masculine identities in new and profound ways.
table of contents
Introduction, Àngels Carabí and Josep M. Armengol 1
1. Reconstructing Masculinity or Ending Manhood? The Potential and Limitations of Transforming Masculine Subjectivities for Gender Equality, Bob Pease 17
2. Men's Anti-Violence Activism and the Construction of Gender-Equitable Masculinities, Michael Flood 35
3. Alternative Cultures of Masculinity: An Anthropological Approach, Matthew Gutmann 51
4. Aging Beyond Masculinities, or, the Penis as Failed Synecdoche, David Leverenz 63
5. On Learning Not to Love the Oedipus Complex, Revisited, David Leverenz 97
6. Authoritarian, Missing, or Nurturing? Fathers in American Drama, Barbara Ozieblo 105
7. Fathers Who Care: Alternative Father Figures in Annie Proulx's The Shipping News and Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections, Teresa Requena-Pelegrí 115
8. Alternative Masculinities in Richard Ford's Fiction and/vs. Susanne Bier's In a Better World, Josep M. Armengol 131
9. Facing Xenocidal Guilt: Atypical Masculinity in Orson Scott Card's Ender's Saga, Sara Martín 145
10. Progressive Masculinities: Envisioning Alternative Models for Black Manhood in Toni Morrison's Novels, Mar Gallego 161
11. Meeting Halfway: Contradictions, Transformation and Alternative Masculinities in Arturo Islas' La Mollie and the King of Tears, Aishih Wehbe-Herrera 175
12. Reconfiguring the Male: Masculinities Beyond Capitalism in Paul Auster's Sunset Park, Mercè Cuenca 195
13. Transitory Masculinities in Post-9/11 Arab American Literature Written by Women, Marta Bosch-Vilarrubias 205
Epilogue: Moving Ahead: Alternative Masculinities for a Changing World, Victor J. Seidler in conversation with the members of the Constructing New Masculinities (CNM) group of the University of Barcelona 219