Construction of Identities, Gender and Artistic Creation in the Margins of Arabity

Start date
Finish date
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Convocatoria de ayudas del Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia. Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento. Modalidad Proyectos 1: Proyectos de I+D
Research projects
Principal Investigator(s)
Mònica Rius-Piniés
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Research Team
Ana Bejarano
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Dolors Bramon
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Predoctoral research staff in training
Erica Consoli
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Èlia Romo
(Universitat de Barcelona)
This project seeks to compile, describe, frame in the contemporary context and analyze the works of some authors who locate themselves within the boundaries of arabity through the analysis of different expressions of artistic creation (mainly literary works, but also theatrical and cinematographic). Because of their language, their personal experiences or their form of expressive creation, these texts suggest new ways to (re)construct individual and collective identities in the contemporary world, which combines the renewed strength of migratory movements with the incessant beating of globalization.
- Delimit, from a tecnoconceptual perspective, the boundaries of arabity in the construction and representation of the identity of creators and thinkers: to what extent it is a central, homogenous or univocal element; spatial delimitation of the phenomenon; relationship between gender and arabity.
- Differentiate between the different kinds of marginalities within arabity, understood as a transversal concept that comprises spatio-temporal elements, as well as elements related with gender and form.
- Analyze the possibilities and the resources of the literary form as regards the dislocation in the factual and fictional narrative dealing with exile, emigration and diasporic elements. Especial attention will be paid to the displacements and migratory movements produced by the conflicts that have characterized the 20th and 21st century.
- Examine formal parameters: analyze the relationship between form and success; the relationship between form and cultural establishment; how the new productions, as regards the canon, are received. What role the language chosen plays. How gender influences its form of expression.
- Study the reception of the studied works: to whom they are addressed and how they are received by the society that produces them, as well as by external subjects.
Foto: Dasic Fernandez, Yemeni mural on the side of the Sheeba Restaurant in Hamtramck.