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Lectora invites contributions for issue number 20

Call for papers

The issue of Lectora. Revista de dones i textualitat for 2014, entitled  "The Figure of 'the Neighbor' in 19th Century Literature", will focus on the analysis of literary texts from the nineteenth century which defy or question, from the perspective of gender and/or sexuality, the ideological violence of the homogenizing discourses of religion, ethics, race, patriotism, linguistics/language, culture, tradition and/or social class in the national ideologies of the neighborhood and of the communal within the nation. The coordinator of this issue is Rodrigo Andrés, researcher at the Centre Dona i Literatura and professor of American Literature at the University of Barcelona. He is author of Herman Melville: poder y amor entre hombres (2007), co-editor of Hombres soñados por escritoras de hoy (2009) and editor of Homoerotismos literarios (2011). The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2013.