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New website for the Centre Dona i Literatura


We are launching our new website, with a completely updated concept and design, with the objective of making it easier to access all of our contents, to facilitate automatic searches and to increase our capacity to create new projects on gender studies and cultural criticism. The website has been designed in Drupal, created and developed by KD. The complete implementation of the new website will take place over the next few months; as a result, you will be able to access increasing amounts of content as it becomes available. In tandem with this complete renovation an entirely new space has been created for Lletra de Dona which will make it easier to search using a variety of keywords. It has a more agile design and allows for the incorporation of other forms of literary criticism and thought.  


If you have questions about the new website or if you happen upon any errors, we would greatly appreciate it if you would contact us, either by using the contact form, which you will find in the menu, or by sending an email to



If you are the author of one of the reviews, or if you have included a link on your website, social network or bibliographical annotations, please bear in mind that the URL of the website will remain the same, but the URL of all of the contents has changed. In the case of Lletra de Dona, the current URL appears in the citation section, at the bottom of each file.


In 2003, the first website of the Centre Dona i Literatura was created, with a design that was partially renovated in 2008 so as to incorporate new information. From the beginning we had clear that the website could not simply be a showcase of research, dissemination and teaching activity that we were engaged in at the time, rather, that we had to promote the continuing and constant growth of new knowledges. This is what motivated us to offer detailed information on publications, including whenever possible chapters of these volumes, and we created the school of literary criticism Lletra de Dona. Furthermore, for the same reasons, we were careful about the type of information we offered about our activities, so as to better explain what we were doing and to make it more visible. It was precisely this desire to make visible what brought us to design, in coherence with the principle ideas of the Centre Dona i Literatura, the posters about our activity. With them, we have tried to contribute to the promotion and knowledge of the works of art created by women the world over, often unknown and still relatively unacknowledged.
The changes necessary to activate the new web site in Drupal began in 2011 with the digital edition of Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat, the scientific publication from the GRC Creació i Pensament de les Dones (Universitat de Barcelona) and the GRC Cos i Textualitat (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), the Hemeroteca Científica Catalana. The journal thus was adapted to the management and publication requirements currently in place for scientific journals.
In future, this new website will allow us to develop new projects in open access formats.