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Honorary mention from the Institut d'Estudis Catalans for Catalina Mir's thesis

Honorary mention
23 April 2024

During the Sant Jordi Awards ceremony of the Institute of Catalan Studies, held on Tuesday 23 April 2024, Catalina Mir, who was a pre-doctoral researcher at ADHUC, received an honorary mention in the Premi IEC de la Secció Històrico-Arqueològica Manuel Milà i Fontanals of literary history, ad honoram Josep Massot i Muntaner.
The mention is in recognition of her doctoral thesis, directed by Elena Losada Soler and Margalida Pons Jaume and entitled Espai, violència i gènere a la novel-la criminal: les escriptores de la col-lecció ‘La Negra’ (1986-1998).