The autoethnographic documentary by María Ruido and Carla Subirana, with Maribel Rams and Laia Quílez

Carrer de Pau Claris, 144, 08009 Barcelona
Streaming through Instagram Live
Maribel Rams Albuisech presents her book Posmemoria, emigración y guerrilla. El documental autoetnográfico de María Ruído y Carla Subirana (Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2023). The event will be conducted by the author and Laia Quílez Esteve (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), who will be accompanied by the directors of the Género(s) collection, Mariela Fargas and Helena González (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona).
The autobiographical gaze of the documentaries by María Ruido and Carla Subirana moves away from the realist forms of cinema on the Civil War and the Franco regime, and provides a more complex vision of emigration and guerrilla warfare in line with the work of a new generation of women documentary filmmakers. Through an interdisciplinary analysis that combines historical memory, gender and film and literary studies, in this book Maribel Rams draws on two works by the aforementioned authors, La memòria interior and Nedar, as paradigmatic examples of post-memory narratives that evoke experiences of the past that are usually invisible in the media and cinema.Focusing on two new filmmakers from the generation of the granddaughters of the Civil War victims, Posmemoria, emigración y guerrilla warfare adds to the growing interest in the role of memory towards the vindication of truth, justice and reparation for the victims of human rights violations.
The presentation can be followed live on Instagram Live: