Space, violence and gender in the crime novel: women writers in the series «La Negra» (1986-1998)
Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau, 2, soterrani 1, 08007 Barcelona
Catalina Mir Jaume, who was a predoctoral researcher at ADHUC, will defend her doctoral thesis Espai, violència i gènere a la novel·la criminal: les escriptores de la col·lecció «La Negra» (1986-1998), co-supervised by Dr. Elena Losada Soler (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) and Dr. Margalida Pons Jaume (LiCETC-Universitat de les Illes Balears).
This thesis is based on a critical, theoretical and historiographical reading of five crime novels written by women: El jaqué de la democràcia (The Morning Coat of Democracy), by Maria Aurèlia Capmany; El complot dels anells (The Conspiracy of the Rings), by Assumpció Maresma; El correu de Trípoli (Package from Tripoli), by Margarida Aritzeta; Escapa’t d’Andorra (Escape from Andorra), by Assumpta Margenat; and Antípodes (Antipodes), by Maria-Antònia Oliver. The analysis of these works, which were published between 1986 and 1998 in the historical book collection «La Negra» from Edicions de la Magrana, aims to investigate the representation of spaces affected by violence, to contextualise the novels within the framework of the Catalan project of cultural normalisation, and to reflect on the tensions surrounding the encounter between female authorship and crime fiction, a traditionally masculinised genre.