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"Menlacex", new journal in the library A Saia

Digital library

The digital edition of Menlacex, a 2001 publication edited by Fernando Pesqueira Franco and directed by Pablo Irago, is published. It is an LGTBIQ+ guide that was distributed in Galicia and northern Portugal. Regular contributors included Fernando González Fortes, Carlos Valcarcel, Laura Bugallo, Jesus Moinhos, among others.


The digital edition has been coordinated by Helena González Fernández (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) and Mariám Mariño Costales (Consello da Cultura Galega) within the collection "A Saia: publicaciones periódicas feministas y LGTBIQ+" and is a result of the GRC Creació i pensament de les dones (2021 SGR 01097).