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The autoethnographic documentary by María Ruido and Carla Subirana, by Maribel Rams

Book of the series Género(s)

The series Género(s) publishes Posmemoria, emigración y guerrilla. El documental autoetnográfico de María Ruido y Carla Subirana (Ediciones UB, 2022), by Maribel Rams Albuisech. The gaze of María Ruido and Carla Subirana moves away from the cinema of the Civil War and Franco's memory boom and highlights the contributions of a new generation of creators in the field of documentary filmmaking who promote a complex vision of emigration and guerrilla warfare. In this interdisciplinary analysis that combines historical memory with gender, film and literary studies, Maribel Rams Albuisech addresses the difficulty of representing the traumatic past in the current Spanish state. At the same time, she offers an approach to the theory of the autoethnographic documentary, women's cinema, "another Spanish/Catalan cinema" and Novo Cine Galego. Maribel Rams, a specialist in film and literature, has studied, among others, the work of Sandra Ruesga, Inma Jiménez Neira, Ventura Pons and Pablo Berger. With a PhD from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, she has taught at Western Washington University, Boston College and the Universitat de Lleida.


Género(s) is a series directed by Mariela Fargas and Helena González Fernández, published by Ediciones UB with the support of ADHUC-Teoría, Género, Sexualidad. Its scientific board is made up of Mónica Bolufer (Universitat de València), Agnès Garcia Ventura (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Elena Laurenzi (ADHUC-Università del Salento), Margalida Pons (Universitat de les Illes Balears) and Mònica Rius Piniés (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona).


The series calls for original single-authored monographs to be evaluated by experts with double anonymity. The proposal (pdf of the text, CV and other information of interest) can be sent to indicating "Col. Género(s)".