Lectora calls for contributions for issue 29
Dossier 29 of Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat, to be published in 2023, is entitled "Rethinking Hospitality through the Culture, Literature, and Thought of Contemporary US Women of Color". This dossier will include articles that address the legacy and transformation of feminist hospitality in the literature by U.S. women of color of the second half of the twentieth century and of the beginning of the twenty-first. Through the analysis of diverse literary works, the goal of this dossier is to delve into the way in which working-class women of color experience, at different levels of intersectionality (of gender, race, origin, social class, etc.), the contradictions of the binary logic that grounds the discourses of hospitality: they carry out the role of "hostesses" in the work place, but they rarely see themselves as such given the precarity imposed by their irregular legal status and their precarious labor conditions; their affective and emotional labor as domestic, sexual and service workers has little or no social value, so they cannot see themselves "guests" in a social environment that fosters latch homes and children. Through the analysis of several literary manifestations, articles in this dossier may address theoretical perspectives, writing genres and collective imaginaries that result from an awareness of these mechanisms in the literary representation of experiences such as the irregular yet accepted migration and deportation, "disposable" bodies and lives in global capitalism, groups of displaced citizens within the nation state, the practices of care such as motherwork, othermothering, and community othermothering (Collins, 2000; Caballero, 2019), or the rethinking of the relationship between the host and the guest outside the laws of private property, citizenship, and family, among others. This dossier will be edited by Maria Antònia Oliver-Rotger (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). Deadline for submissions for all sections is December 15, 2022. Lectora provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.