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CFP Expressions Maghrébines issue 22.1

Call for papers
June 30, 2022
Call for papers (180.72 KB)

Expressions maghrébines calls for contributions to the dossier ""Théories voyageuses" féministes en territoires littéraires et artistiques maghrébins ", to be published in issue 22.1, corresponding to the summer of 2023. Drawing on Edward Saïd's notion of "théorie voyageuse" and Cornelia Möser's resemantization of the notion, the volume aims to reflect on the debates on gender that have traversed the history of feminisms since the 1960s in the Maghreb, by relating the various circulations, translations and cultural and theoretical transfers that have marked the evolution of feminist debates and their literary and artistic reconfigurations. The deadline for submission of articles is June 30, 2022.