Dictionnaire du genre en traduction. Presentation

Dictionnaire du genre en traduction is to be presented online via https://worldgender.cnrs.fr/. This is a project created by IRN World Gender, led by LEGS-CNRS and with the participation of ADHUC.
The event will be hosted by the coordinators of the dictionary, Marta Segarra (LEGS-CNRS and ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona), and Ilana Eloit (Université de Lausanne), after which a selection of the articles therein will be presented by the repective writing teams, one of which is a group of ADHUC members:
- Confinement by Rachel Colombe and Manuela Salcedo.
- Disability studies / études critiques du handicap by Justine Madiot, Marion Doé, Charlotte Puiseux, Aurélie Damamme and Patricia Paperman.
- Éco-féminisme by David Barreiro Jiménez and Emmanuelle Sinardet.
- Économie libidinale by Anne E. Berger.
- La cura en Italie by Silvia Contarini, Sara Faccini and Manuela Spinelli.
- Toucher-touch-tacto-tacte by Arturo Corujo, Maria Isern Ordeig, Toni R. Juncosa and Víctor Ramírez.
Dictionnaire du genre is a work in progress with an international editorial board and is open to proposals in different languages including French, Spanish, Catalan, and English, among others. The proposals, which will go through a double-blind review system, can be sent to dictionnairegenre@cnrs.fr.
Online activity. Please register via this form.