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Presentation of two books on gay life in Argentina, Mexico, and Spain

Book Presentation
Casa Amèrica Catalunya

Two new volumes are added to the "Estudis universitaris LGBTQ" collection published by Editorial Egales: Antes del orgullo: Recuperando la memoria gay (2019), edited by Jorge Luis Peralta (ADHUC–Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat), and Entre lo joto y lo macho: Masculinidades sexodiversas mexicanas (2019), edited by Humberto Guerra (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco ) and Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez (ADHUC–Universitat de Lleida). They both offer new interdisciplinary approaches to gay life in Argentina, Mexico, and Spain during the last half century, focusing on everyday-life experience and on the most relevant literary, filmic and artistic creation in the countries. Rafael M. Mérida, Jorge Luis Peralta and Dúnia Gras (Universitat de Barcelona) all participate. These publication are results of the project titled "Diversitat de gènere, masculinitat i cultura a Espanya, Argentina i Mèxic" (FEM 2015-69863-P).