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Support for Applications for Predoctoral Fellowships

Call for Applications

ADHUC–Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat offers scientific support for postgraduate students applying for predoctoral fellowships (AGAUR, Ministerios, Recercaixa, Unió Europea, CAPES, CONACYT, CONICET, etc.). Candidates must meet the elegibility criteria and have an excellent CV and the intention of writing a thesis at the Universitat de Barcelona or University of Lleida within the research areas of one of the senior members of the research group Creació i Pensament de les Dones, that is, gender studies in relation to literature, art, cultural studies, women's philosophical production, feminist theory or postcolonial studies, among others.


More information and application form: Scientific Support for Predoctoral Fellowships.