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Masculinidades alternativas en el mundo de hoy


Àngels Carabí, researcher at the Centre Dona i Literatura, and Josep M. Armengol are the editors of the volume Masculinidades alternativas en el mundo de hoy, published in the collection "Mujeres y culturas" (Icaria, 2015). The volume explores egalitarian gender practices for the creation of new or "alternative" masculinities from an interdisciplinary perspective. The texts included in the book dwell on these issues from the fields of the humanities and the social sciences, beyond the hegemonic representations, and analyse the study of alternative models of masculinity through the literary analysis of the itineraries followed by fictional characters of contemporary American literature in the works of Paul Auster, Jonathan Franzen, Toni Morrison or Richard Ford. Such analyses help us rethink masculine identity, focusing on the paternal figure, non-violent models or alternative gender relations. Contributors include Mercè Cuenca, David Leverenz, Sara Martín, Bob Pease, Barbara Ozieblo, Teresa Requena-Pelegrí y Victor J. Seidler, amongst others.