The Consolidated Research Group Creació i Pensament de les Dones offers scientific support for predoctoral scholarship applications for people who meet the criteria and have an excellent CV with the overall grade point average of Bachelor and Master degree and the intention of writing a thesis at the University of Barcelona within the research areas of one of the senior members of the research group, that is, research with a focus on gender in the following fields:
Ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary literature and transmedial narrative / Art, Cinema, Comics
Philosophical thought by women
Modern and contemporary feminist theory
LGTBIQ studies / Politics of desire
Cultural studies / Popular culture
Postcolonial studies / Community, Nation / Migrant literature
Modernity and postmodernity / Deconstruction / Contemporary experiences of time
Translation and Feminist Studies
Those interested should send a message, along with their CV, the overall grade point average and a brief description of their research project, using the contact form prior to July 20, 2014.