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Tercer Taller de Tesis CRIC

Thesis Workshop
Friday May 22, 2015 from 9h30 to 17h
Sala Gabriel Oliver, Edifici Josep Carner, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, c/ Aribau 2, planta -1 - 08007 Barcelona
Programa (75.72 KB)

The Third Thesis Workshop CRIC will be held this year, coordinated by Dolores Resano and Andrea Ruthven (Centre Dona i Literatura). Doctoral students of the programme CRIC who are currently in the process of writing their theses are invited to present their working proposals, either as an overview or focusing on specific sections, and to put forward the methodological or theoretical difficulties and doubts that they face. The aim is to provide an opportunity to discuss their work with peers and faculty of the Master and PhD programmes CRIC, fostering a multidisciplinary and enriching debate. The workshop will include a Q&A session with Gemma Barea (Universitat de Barcelona), who will describe the administrative requirements before a viva can be held. The Centre Dona i Literatura collaborates in this Workshop CRIC.

Dolores Resano,
Andrea Ruthven
Gemma Barea,
Max Besora Mascarella,
Ina Macina,
Elisabeth Massana,
Elena Monzón Pertejo,
Katia Aparecida da Silva Oliveira,
Natasha Tanna
Doctorat Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Culturals
In collaboration with
Centre Dona i Literatura