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Beyond the Walls. Being with Each Other in Herman Merville's Clarel, de Laura Lopéz Peña


Laura López Peña, postdoctoral researcher at the Centre Dona i Literatura, has published the volume Beyond the Walls. Being with Each Other in Herman Melville's Clarel. The book analyzes how the narrative poem Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land (1876) makes evident the necessity, the possibilities, and the difficulties of intersubjectivity for the development of more democratic human relationships. Clarel explores, the author argues, the potentiality of these relationships to go beyond the walls of individualism and traditional communitarianism, typically organized under the notions of nation-state, race, culture, religion, and sexual identity. This volume is the result of the author's doctoral dissertation, "Beyond the Walls - Potentiality Aborted. The Politics of Intersubjective Universalism in Herman Melville's Clarel", which was supervised by Rodrigo Andrés (Centre Dona i Literatura).