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Criticism and Creation of Sapphic Literature

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The book Un juego que cabe entre nosotras. Acercamientos a la crítica y a la creación de la literatura sáfica (Mexico: Voces en Tinta, 2014), edited by Elena Madrigal and Leticia Romero, has just been published. This book offers an innovative approach to lesbian representations, identities and subjectivities in 19th and 20th century culture. It includes essays by teachers and writers from a variety of Latin American countries, including Mª Elena Olivera, Cristina Peri Rossi and Inmaculada Pertusa. This book is a result of the research project "Representaciones culturales de las sexualidades marginadas en España (1970-1995)" FEM2011-24064, whose principal researcher is Rafael M. Mérida (Centre Dona i Literatura).