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Support for Predoctoral Scholarship Applications

Until July 24, 2014

The Consolidated Research Group Creació i Pensament de les Dones offers scientific support for predoctoral scholarship applications for people who meet the criteria and have an excellent CV and the intention of writing a thesis at the University of Barcelona within the research areas of one of the senior members of the research group, that is, research with a focus on gender in the following fields:

  • Ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary literature and transmedial narrative / Art, Cinema, Comics
  • Philosophical thought by women
  • Modern and contemporary feminist theory
  • LGTBIQ studies / Politics of desire
  • Cultural studies / Popular culture
  • Postcolonial studies / Community, Nation / Migrant literature
  • Modernity and postmodernity / Deconstruction / Contemporary experiences of time



Those interested should send a message, along with their CV and a brief description of their research project, using the contact form prior to July 24, 2014.