An interdisciplinary approach to sexual minorities in Spain
Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez, researcher with the Centre Dona i Literatura. Gènere, sexualitats, crítica de la cultura, has edited the volume Minorías sexuales en España (1970-1995). Textos y representaciones, published in the series Mujeres y culturas (Icaria, 2013). The volume seeks to offer an interdisciplinary approach to the period 1970-1995, to its anonymous protagonists, and to some of its most renowned figures. It also seeks to retrieve their works and the context in which they were produced, interrelating literary, artistic, and film studies, or historiographic and sociological analyses. Considering Pedro Almodóvar and Antoni Mirabet, and taking into account Terenci Moix, Maria-Mercè Marçal and Almudena Grandes, from the Viejo Topo to Celuloide, from the movement against AIDS to the acts of Congress and alternative press, among many other testimonies, this volume proposes a memory of a past which projects itself into our immediate present. The contributing authors include Rafael M. Mérida and Estrella Díaz, from the Centre Dona i Literatura, together with Juan Vicente Aliaga, Kerman Calvo, Richard Cleminson, Juan Carlos García Piedra, Óscar Guasch, Elena Madrigal, Alfredo Martínez Expósito, Alberto Mira, Jorge Luis Peralta, and Enric Vilà.
Book presentation at Librería Laie: Tuesday 18 June, 2013 at 19h30.