Origen i evolució de la cacera de bruixes a Catalunya (segles XV-XVI)

The Seminari Filosofia i Gènere, of the Consolidated Research Group (GRC) Creació i Pensament de les Dones, is organizing the thesis workshop for Pau Castell Granados, researcher with the GRC [contra]TAEDIUM and IRCVM, and a member of ARDIT Cultures Medievals at the Universitat de Barcelona. His doctoral dissertation, "Origen i evolució de la cacera de bruixes a Catalunya (segles XV-XVI)", directed by Teresa Vinyoles Vidal and Agustí Alcoberro Pericay (both at the Universitat de Barcelona), analizes the key role of the Catalonian authorities in the rise of a new "witch stereotype" during the first years of the XVth century, a fact which shows great precociousness in its formulation and articulation at the legal and judicial levels. Based on the discovery of new legal documents dating from the XVth and XVIth centuries, this thesis proposes an analysis of the rise and articulation of this phenomenon in Catalonia, which tragedy marks the end of the medieval world and the beginning of modernity. The thesis workshop, directed by Rosa Rius Gatell and coordinated by Georgina Rabassó, is an innovative teaching experience which consists in sharing the research trajectory during the doctoral dissertation phase.