Memory and the places of transmission. A gender perspective
Auditori annex
c/ Comercial 5 - 08003 Barcelona
Fina Birulés (ADHUC—Seminari Filosofia i Gènere) directs the course "Memory and the places of transmission. A gender perspective", which will take place on Thursdays from February 15 to March 8, 2018, from 19h to 21h, at the Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria in Barcelona. The objective of the four sessions is to think about the current "shift towards memory". The course will draw a cartography of the different uses of the concept "transmission" that will make possible, on the one hand, to open new questions around the contemporary crisis of time, and, on the other, to show alternative ways of transmission from the margins of tradition. The course will pay attention to the thought of women authors and philosophers from the 20th century; being in an intermediate place, between the "inside" and the "outside" of tradition, their though can direct us to paths untravelled by male thinkers, whose work had more guarantees of being transmitted because of their gender.
The sessions will count with the participation of researchers from the project "La transmisión desde el pensamiento filosófico femenino” (FFI-2015-63828-P, MINECO/FEDER, UE) and from ADHUC—Seminari Filosofia i Gènere. The total cost of the four sessions is 25€. Enroll online at or by calling 93 256 68 50.
First session - February 15
L'acceleració contemporània del temps i el tràfec amb la memòria
Fina Birulés (ADHUC—Seminari Filosofia i Gènere, Universitat de Barcelona)
Second session - February 22
Perdudes en la transmissió? Memòria de l'obra i del pensament de les filòsofes del segle XX
Fina Birulés (ADHUC—Seminari Filosofia i Gènere, Universitat de Barcelona)
Third session - March 1
Transmissió: perplexitats i riscos
Reconeixement i transmissió: notes per impugnar un paradigma
À. Lorena Fuster (ADHUC—Seminari Filosofia i Gènere, Universitat de Barcelona)
En temps d’artivismes, sororitats i emocions: les interaccions canviants entre art i feminisme
Lourdes Méndez (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea); in Spanish
Fourth session - March 8
Altres arrelaments en la història: dues experiències franceses
La presa de poder de les dones a la França dels segles XVII e XVIII
Benedetta Craveri (Università degli Sudi Suor Orsola Benincada, Naples); in Italian
L'atenció als vençuts. Simone Weil i la gènesi de la justícia anamnètica
Emilia Bea (Universitat de València)