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Literatures and Homoeroticisms

Del 7 a l'11 de juliol de 2008 de 9h30 a 14h
Edifici Històric, Universitat de Barcelona
Info (781.49 KB)

The Centre Dona i Literatura offers a new course in this edition of Els Juliols de la Universitat de Barcelona.  "Literatures i homoerotismes", coordinated by Rodrigo Andrés, aims to offer an approach to the most remarkable recent research to assess the sociocultural dimensions of homoerotism. The course proposes a series of critical readings of literary works by authors from various geographic, chronological and linguistic locations, introducing the best contributions from gay and lesbian studies and queer theory to the university curriculum. Participants include researchers from the Centre Dona i Literatura, such as Cristina Alsina, Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez and Marta Segarra, as well as Alberto Mira (Oxford Brookes University) and Meri Torras (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), ​​among others.

Credits: 2 or 3, depending on the type of registration.

Rodrigo Andrés
Cristina Alsina Rísquez,
Nora Catelli,
Isabel Clúa,
Mercè Coll,
Pau Gilabert Barberà,
Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez,
Alberto Mira,
Marta Segarra,
Meri Torras