Literary Series "Voices of Palestinian Women Authors"

Online course
From May to October 2024
Virtual event
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This online literary series aims to highlight and explore the works of prominent Palestinian authors. Over six months, from May to October 2024, each session delves into a carefully curated selection of literary works written by Palestinian women to immerse participants in the culture, history, and contemporary realities of Palestine through literature and the arts.
The sessions are interactive experiences where participants will have the opportunity to discuss and analyze the selected book. Additionally, most authors will be present to discuss their work.
Free course conducted in English. Pre-registration is required via the following link:
Hanan Jasim,
Danaé Fonseca
ADHUC-Centre de Recerca en Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat / Càtedra UNESCO sobre Dones, Desenvolupament i Cultures
In collaboration with
Màster d'Estudis Àrabs Contemporanis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona